Showing posts with label Baba Ramdev. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baba Ramdev. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Swine Flu Prevention with Ayurveda

The number of swine flu patients is on the rise. As hours pass, the figure of those affected seems to be on the rise. Scare, panic and fear has gripped the population to such an extent that people are flocking the hospitals to get tested and hurriedly buying face masks. Many schools in different cities have been shut done and in some other place even malls, multiplexes and theatres are being shut down for few days.

In such a situation Baba Ramdev, the Yoga guru has come up with his message of combating swine flu with the help of Ayurveda. Now with his suggestion that giloi and tulsi can help prevent swine flu, the MCD (Municipal Corporation of Delhi) has taken Randev’s advice seriously and has decided to provide tulsi and giloi free of cost to the people of Delhi.
What’s the harm in trying out this simple way to strengthen our immune system?

Prevention is better than cure – isn’t it?