Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Vacation Delight

Travel has its own delight for the traveller.

Summer brings with it long holidays for school children. They start pestering to go on a vacation. While planning a travel in summer many things have to be kept in mind.

Choice of place: It has to be unanimous, no grumbles on the happy trip.

Travel Deals: Better to compare and study fares and hotel rates in order to get the best deal.

Confirmation: Confirm travel and hotel booking in advance to avoid any sort of complications.

Packing: Choose the right clothes for the place. Don’t over pack your travel bags.

List: Make a list of all the necessary items to be carried for the trip.

First Aid: Carry a first aid kit for need may arise at any time.

Beat the Heat: To protect from the heat use hats, umbrellas, sun glasses, lotions for the skin from getting sun burns, comfortable cotton clothes and comfy footwear.

Caution: To avoid dehydration drink a lot of water and fruit juice. Avoid rich and spicy food as it may upset the stomach.

At the end of the trip you bring back is memories, captured through the lens of the camera. A vacation no doubt rejuvenates the mind and body.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Summer Shade-s

When summer comes the talk is all about the heat, the dust, the sweat, and the search for the Cool. Suddenly life becomes dull, food habits change, and the clothes need special attention. So many problems start showing their face; water scarcity, sudden power cuts start appearing and the huge variety of vegetables that were available in the market a few days ago start vanishing. Very little choice left to choose from the green grocer and fruits get dearer in the market.

But we have to make efforts to cope with the heat. There are different ways to work up with the difficult heat of this time of the year. We have different options to battle the heat.

Food and Drinks: The heat increases the thirst. We need to drink lots of water. Green coconut water is a healthy drink. Aam panna and fresh lime juice helps to maintain the cool in the body. So also other fruit juices, especially those freshly made at home or packed ones found on the shelves of the stores…lets your skin maintain the glow. Water melon is not only refreshing but also satisfying. And the mango, king of all fruits in India adds taste to the palate. As for vegetables those that have more water contents are good for digestion.

Clothes: In the sweltering heat there is always a chance of getting sun burns. Sleeveless clothes are more in demand but there needs to be a rethink in the matter of clothes. It is better to cover up those parts of the body that are exposed to the sun to avoid a tan and help in the loss of less moisture from the body. While choosing clothes for summer the best choice goes for cotton fabrics which soaks the sweat and gives a cool feeling. It is always good to go in for natural fabrics in which cotton is the best. Khadi and linen can also be an integral part of the natural fabric category. Even light nylon and polyester fabrics can be in the choice list. In colours, it is always better to go for lighter shades as it gives the cool and thanda feeling.

The feet do sweat a lot in summer. So while choosing footwear for this season it is always preferable to go for open sandals and slippers. At this time the Kolhapuri chappals are in demand.

Shady Umbrellas: The best part is, it is time when the umbrellas are out from the closet. While going out in the sun it is always better to carry an umbrella and stay under its shade when the glare of the sun pinches the skin. There was the time when no one thought about colourful umbrellas except the black ones. Now colourful umbrellas make a lot of difference in the shade they give under their polka dots or floral spread. But remember to take care of your Umbrella Buddy and don’t leave it in some unknown place to get lost in the crowd.

Summer Dreams: Planning for a hill station vacation can be the summer dream for you. A few days among the hills and dale can bring a change from the monotony of the everyday life. If that’s not possible, then there are summer camps for children where they can make a pursuit of their interest. There are lots of choices to make from. So why not consult the Elderly people to be there where you have not thought of. And always there is this opportunity of the summer days to be there in the countryside, in the real India that once it used to be, now our forgotten villages.

Summer’s call,
Mangoes for all.