Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Wishes for 2011

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pak Onions Ind(i) Curries

Onions make you cry...believe me this is true...

When did I cry ‘With’ or ‘For’ the onions last time? That’s a tricky question for me and also for many.

When a question comes it needs an answer.

With Onions...

Last time when I cooked meat...aha! more specific...when I peeled and sliced the onions tears ran down my cheeks...and then the perfect onion paste was ready within minutes...Mixie Magic...that was last weekend...

For onions...

And now I cry again for onions...soaring prices...says catch me if you can...taking the sudden flight...hurt in the price rise and so makes me cry... Pak onions trickling into India...mind you no visa no passport...

...steps smartly into Ind(i) in the kitchen...cooked and curried...

Safe curry, tasty Bite.

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